General and 24 hour care
We provide 24 hour care for our equine patients, including ponies, family horses, and donkeys.
We offer a wide range of routine and emergency services including:
- vaccinations
- microchipping
- blood and faecal laboratory tests
- mobile digital x-rays
- endoscopic examination
- dentistry
- general surgery including gelding (castration)
At the time of vaccination, all horses receive a general health check and the vets are happy to discuss any concerns you may have. Vaccinating your horse prevents many serious diseases including tetanus, strangles and equine herpes virus.
Horses are very vulnerable to intestinal worms which can cause ill-thrift, anaemia, weight loss, diarrhoea and colic. Traditionally these infestations are controlled by oral drenches or pastes. Regular worm egg counts are now considered the best way forward for controlling worming in horses. A fresh dropping sample can be microscopically examined for worms and worm eggs at the practice. Rather than blanket worming, the recommendation now is only to worm if worm eggs are present in the faeces. This reduces worming product resistance and avoids over use of medication.
Horses' teeth should be checked every 6 - 12 months as the symptoms of dental disease can go unnoticed otherwise. Rasping and maintaining your horses teeth is an important part of their general healthcare. Regular floating of the teeth helps to prevent more severe disease which requires more difficult or expensive treatment. Most horses receive a light tranquiliser prior to having their teeth treated. This increases safety for the horse, handler and vet, and makes the procedure less scary and memorable for the patient. We use a combination of hand and power floats to achieve the best results for your horse's mouth.
Many problems, particularly lameness or conformation, require radiographs ("x-rays") for a diagnosis. We use a digital x-ray system for rapid and detailed results.
Laboratory testing
Blood samples give us a good picture of how your horse's body is functioning inside. This is particularly important during times of illness but routine "wellness" screens are also available. Most tests can now be rapidly performed at the surgery, but we use external laboratories for more specialised tests. Horses tolerate blood sampling very well and it is a quick, painless procedure. Urine and faecal tests are also often useful.
We offer a range of surgical procedures which are usually carried out on your property or in the stable. Most are performed on standing animals under local anaesthesia, but sometimes general anaesthesia is required. Common procedures include castration, stitching of traumatic wounds, and removal of growths and sarcoids.
As well as being compulsory in some sitautions, microchips provide permanent identification and a way of identifying lost or stolen animals. A microchip is implanted in the side of the neck by means of a small injection and is less expensive than you might think.