Claudia runs full acupuncture clinics tailored to meet the requirements or condition of your pet. Claudia has been doing acupuncture for nearly 10 years now and so has experience and expertise in this area. Electro-acupuncture is also available for those candidates requiring it.
Acupuncture is offered in dogs, cats and any small furry creature requiring treatment.
What is acupuncture?
It is the practise of inserting fine, solid needles into the body for pain releif, or, in some cases, to help the body deal with other diseases.
What kinds of conditions are treated with acupuncture?
Pain is the most common condition we treat. Pain can be from arthritis, muscle strains, back pain, pain secondary to disc disease and boney changes of the spine, pain from orthopaedic surgeries or disablities, and can help in rehabilitation especially after surgery. It can help functional conditions such as cystitis,constipation and irritable bowel syndrome.
It can also help in wound healing, especially large superficial wounds that are taking too long to heal eg: burns, grazes etc.
Some wart like lumps respond to acupuncture as well.
If you are not sure if your pet will benefit from acupuncture, Claudia is happy to discuss this with you.
How does acupuncture work?
It works through the nervous system. The needles block the pain messages and encourage the brain and central nervous system to produce more of the body's natural pain response metabolites/painkillers.
In other instances it helps to reset the body's normal functioning.
Will it hurt my pet?
Acupuncture needles stimulate nerves that do not cause the unpleasant feelings of pain that we are trying to treat. They stimulate other nerves that send a more important message to the brain, which is how they block pain. Sometimes animals may react to this sensation as though they are expecting pain, but then relax because this doesnt occur. Most of the time they accept the fine needles very well and often become more relaxed and sleepy during treatment. Often, they appear to look forward to the next treatment when they come back to the practice.
What can I expect during treatment?
Your pet will be examined to identify all the points of pain or tenderness. Needles will be inserted into various parts of the body and may be moved or stimulated a few times. There is no set 'dose' of acupuncture so we will judge each pet based on their response both at time and after treatment. They may become sleepy during treatment.
How often would my pet be treated?
The usual course is once a week for four to six weeks. After four weeks, we will know how well your pet has responded to the treatment and we will then work out a plan that usually involves tailing off the treament tailored with your pets response and condition. We usually do top-ups once a month or as often or infrequent as needed for each individual.
Is acupuncture safe?
Acupuncture is very safe, in the right hands. It is performed by a veterinarian. There are very few cases in which we would have to be cautious about using acupuncture.
We are currently offering a free mini-acupuncture session. This will allow you to discuss acupuncture in your pet with the vet. Please call the clinic to make an appointment. Strictly one per customer and by appointment only.